Tag Archives: Los Angeles

PLACES: Baxter Finley Barber Shop, Los Angeles USA.

16 Nov

Sergio, one of our LA lovers (who you might have met in our Roosevelt post) recently became the new manager of the FABULOUS barber shop, Baxter Finley!  The place is STUNNING: chic, simple, equipped with talented staff and everything you would want for a barber.  Tucked down on La Cienega, it’s a fabulous place to take your Girl (ok, ok..and/or your [straight] man) for a quick trim.  Say hi to Serg for us! -annatfabulous :*

Follow Baxter Finley on Twitter!

Logo image courtesy of www.baxterfinley.com 

PLACES: Roosevelt Hotel, Los Angeles USA.

15 Nov

We started our first night in LA at the Roosevelt Hotel right on Hollywood Blvd.  What’s not to love about this place?  Poolside, friends, glowing signs, Walk of Stars?  GIMME!  You know I love a good classic cheese fest!  As cheesy as Hollywood Blvd can be, the Roosevelt is FAR from cheese.  Always the PERFECT place to start your weekend in LA.  -annatfabulous :*The Cast of Characters for the night: (above) Anna T Fabulous. (below) Mike, Taint, Serg, Baersch, TC. Was LOVELY to meet these two! ❤ on me: top: Wilfred. bra: Talula. dress: Wilfred Le Fou. shoes: Topshop. bag: Zara

‘Roosevelt’ text photo courtsey of www.thompsonhotels.com

PLACES: Los Angeles!

14 Nov

Ahhhh yes.  LA.  We just came back from a fabulous, event packed (yet relaxed) weekend in The City of Angels.  It was my 6th time to LA, and absolutely the best trip to date!! Stay tuned for an all LA themed week on I Need A Social Life!! ❤ -annatfabulous :*

All photos via my Instagram! 

PLACES: Soho House, Los Angeles USA.

29 Jun

Speaking of PRIDE, don’t forget about LA!  For the afternoon on Saturday Taint took me for what we thought was going to be a quick afternoon tea (READ: cocktail or 3) at Soho House West Hollywood.  To our fabulous surprise there was a full on Pride event on their back patio, and it was PERFECTION!  The space is BEAUTIFUL, elegant, pristine, but not too stuffy.  Chocolate covered strawberries, rose petaled cocktails and fabulous views of LA, yup.  I was happy!  You cannot take photos inside Soho House, but there is a photobooth.  Obviously it was happily abused!  -annatfabulous :*According to Taint, photo booths mean SHIRTS OFF!!

Interior photos courtesy of www.sohohousewh.com


PLACES: Maxfield, Los Angeles USA.

29 Jan

CAN’T BELIEVE i forgot to mention this place when i was in LA back at the beginning of december!! Maxfield is a sick ass shop near the corner of melrose and robertson.  when you walk in, you are basically walking into my brain.  this store is EXACTLY what i need my life to look like.  at all times.  they carry the likes of Dries Van Noten, Chanel, Lanvin, Rick Owens, Balmain, basically anything that will make you DROOOOOOL.  at the moment, can’t afford a DAMN THING in the shop…but you know. we’re gettin there.  -annatfabulous :*

December 2010 Window Display

May 2009 Window Display

PLACES: St. Felix, Los Angeles USA.

19 Dec

quick little dinner at the cute St. Felix.  the platters are so fun to eat!  our flights were at 8:20, and we left santa monica blvd for LAX at 7:20.  oops!  the plane can wait for us to finsih our champagne thank you very much! -annatfabulous :*

PLACES: Champagne Bakery, Los Angeles USA.

16 Dec

you got me at CHAMPAGNE.  this little bakery on the corner of Hilldale & Santa Monica is the perfect breakfast one-stop-shop.  i have yet to have champagne while i’m there though….hmmm. -annatfabulous :*

PLACES: Yogurt Stop, Los Angeles USA.

14 Dec

they claim to be the #1 Frozen Yogurt in LA.  i completely, wholeheartedly AGREE!!!!!!!!!  EVERY time i go down to LA i be sure to make an appearance at Yogurt Stop!  last time we went TWICE in one day!  why not?! BEST part is you put on all the toppings yourself and they charge by the weight, always a good price too!  deliciousballzzzz.  stop in and have a taste won’t you? -annatfabulous :*

benn & alex in the pic to the left.